(717) 373-1743


Posted on: June 6th, 2023

“ADHD” and “organization”, should those words even be in the same sentence? I have ADHD and I know several people with ADHD. No matter the age, organization seems to be a difficulty in at least one area; the avalanche in the closet, the black hole under the bed, the side-thought shelf, or the drawer where nothing actually belongs but is still there. ADHD and organization can be in the same sentence if we think of organization as a process instead of a goal. 

What Do You Mean?

Spring cleaning, seasonal item transitions, returning home from a college dorm, summer break, and whatever else could cause clutter- there is a way to handle it. It’s a process to practice, not a miracle cure. It may require some compromise and will require patience from neurotypical members of the household, but it can be sustainable. 

  • “Everything has its place”, but that place can’t always be out-of-sight, nor can it always look pretty. Susan C. Pinsky warns in her book “Organizing Solutions For People With ADHD”, that a storage or transition bin or area that looks pretty can easily be overlooked because it blends into the environment. Don’t be afraid to put a label on it either. Identify drawers, bins, shelves, etcetera if that helps.
  • “They are supposed to do it anyway”, but the struggle to get it done can be so much more difficult than you think, so a little bit of recognition can go a long way. In some of her videos, Jessica McCabe from How to ADHD talks about recognizing even small steps. If only 1-3 items have been put in place, instead of, “You have a long way to go” or “Okay, keep going”, try, “Cool, keep it up”, “Good job, you got started”. 

Short-term memory and trains of thought are easily derailed in someone with ADHD, so making space for unusual solutions and taking time for encouragement is appreciated and can help the person stay on track (because the praise is also a reminder). 

Need Help?

Everyone is different, and that includes everyone with ADHD. It’s easy to give general suggestions, but you might need a more personalized approach. Contact Sound Health Counseling Solutions today to get started on managing ADHD!
